best kids multivitamin

Do kids need vitamins?

A simple question with a complicated answer. The truth is, it depends.

If you’re worried about your child’s nutrition, it’s probably worth starting a multivitamin for your peace of mind. However, you can always check in with your pediatrician or dietitian, especially if your child is taking medications to make sure there won’t be any interactions that impact the effectiveness and safety of the medication.

To help you determine if your child needs a multivitamin I created the multivitamin matrix. To use the matrix you put a green check in every row that is true for your child and a red “X” in every row that is not true. Then match your results with the column to determine if you need a supplement. Keep in mind, your child may need more than one vitamin or supplement.

do kids need vitamins?

*your child may need more than one type of supplementation depending on their nutrition status

*your child may need more than one type of supplementation depending on their nutrition status

best kids vitamins

So what are the BEST vitamins?

This really depends on what your child will tolerate. To be mindful of different sensory needs, I’ll share the my favorite multivitamins in each category- chewable, liquid, gummy, powder. There might be specific vitamins that are best for your family, but the following options meet a variety of needs based on your child and families nutrition values.

chewable vitamins for kids


Chewables are typically the go to option for a multivitamin because they contain adequate amounts of each vitamin and mineral including iron, which is often challenging for kids to get.


If your child has sensory sensitivities, chewables are often difficult to get your child to take. Additionally, the combination of micronutrients together may limit the absorption of specific nutrients.

liquid vitamins for kids


Liquids can be an easy to incorporate for kids that drink juice. Typically they have fruity flavors and the texture is generally a positive sensory experience.


The only downside to a liquid multivitamin is that you may need to add specific nutrients that your child’s diet may be lacking because it can be difficult to fit adequate quantities of all vitamins without compromising taste. Most often this requires extra iron in the form of a liquid iron supplement. Liquids are generally more expensive than chewables and gummies.

powder vitamins for kids


Many powders are relatively tasteless and dissolve well into any preferred drink, including water.


Powders do not contain iron. If this is a nutrient of concern, then they will need extra iron in a different form. Powders are typically the most expensive multivitamin.

gummy vitamins for kids


Gummies are a great first choice if you’re child won’t take a chewable, especially if they like fruit snacks or gummy candy.


Gummies do not contain iron, but there are specific gummies that are only iron that can be added to your multivitamin routine.

wrapping up

This is definitely not a comprehensive list, there are so many more high quality vitamins out there. Often when kids have really specific nutrition needs, especially when it comes to sensory sensitivities and dietary restrictions, it can feel like you’ll never find a vitamin that will work. However, in my experience, they do exist, but the market is so saturated it can take some digging to find them.

What are your kids favorite multivitamins?


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