supplements for autism
Do you HATE scouring the internet for what brand of supplements you should buy? What’s good quality? What will my kid like? Someone on Instagram ✨me ✨ told me that I needed needed these nutrients for sleep, constipation, and mood management but I don’t know how much or what kind?
I got you! I wrote a post on the 5 nutrients you need for autism (and really anything), but here you can find my favorite brands and forms of each vitamin to make it easy to meet your child’s needs! Keep in mind, not all of these recommendations may be appropriate for your child due to allergies, food sensitivities, or vitamin form preference. Please seek individualized guidance from a professional for specific recommendations.
Don’t forget to check out my favorite kids multivitamins.
important: No doses are given in this article. There are suggestions on what type of supplements to look for but dosing requires medical management.
For dosing instructions related to specific conditions, you can schedule a Wellness Check with me. Or you can use the NIH Fact sheets linked with each nutrient for general guidance. Aim for the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for your child’s age and never exceed the Upper Limit (UL).
*I do not get commission on any supplements that link to Fullscript, my practices online supplement store so you are able to purchase them at the wholesale price. I am not affiliated with any product listed here.
Iron can be a tricky nutrient to incorporate. It’s easily found in hard chewable vitamins, but most of my patients won’t take them. It can also contribute to constipation which a lot off my clients struggle with as well.
when to supplement:
low meat intake
low iron levels
restless sleep
skin picking
more than 24 oz of milk per day
work on decreasing milk and increasing iron.
when to focus on food:
normal ferritin levels
supplement recommendations:
Often a hard chewable multivitamins have iron in them, enough to meet the daily recommended intake. However, if your child’s gut is not functioning optimally, then there is the possibility that they are not absorbing iron well and can still have low iron levels. This may lead to needing a higher amount of iron. Prioritize taking any iron supplement with a source of vitamin C (orange juice, emergen-C, oranges, red peppers, etc.) and avoid taking it with a source of calcium.
This is dosed for adults, please check the dosing before administering. Find them here!
This contains zinc. Check the total amount of all nutrients before using multiple supplements! Find them here!
This is dosed for adults, please check dosing before administering. Find them here!
NovaFerrum makes both Mixed Berry and Chocolate flavors and can be great for picky eaters! Find it here!
This unflavored iron is great for kids with sensitivity to colors, however, it may not taste the best. Find it here!
vitamin d
Almost everyone should be taking vitamin D. Yes, you can get it from the sun, but if you live north of Oklahoma, you probably aren’t absorbing much of it. Your genetics can also tell you if your body is good at converting vitamin D into the usable form.
when to supplement:
low vitamin D levels
At the doctors, they may not recommend supplementation until your vitamin D level is less than 30 ng/dl.
Optimal vitamin D levels are between 80-100 ng/dl
Your body is very good at absorbing vitamin D when it’s low and it gets more challenging the higher your vitamin D is. But vitamin D toxicity is still possible.
mood and behavior disorders
when to focus on food:
most food doesn’t contain much vitamin D at all.
sources of vitamin D are:
Fatty Fish
fortified milk
when supplementing with vitamin D, it needs to be taken with a source of fat for optimal absorption.
supplement recommendations:
Most multivitamins prioritize vitamin D and meets the daily recommended intake. However, if your vitamin D is low, you may need a higher dose to see the benefits. Finding vitamin D supplements that kids like is also pretty easy!
I am obviously all about Nordic Naturals for Kids Vitamin D. But there are so many store options too, the dose is the most important factor. Some kids will need more than others.
Fun flavors and a low dose for kids who just need maintenance levels. Find it here!
Sugar-free and a slightly higher does. Great for kids who are impacted by sugar. Find it here!
Great for kids who may be a risk for poor bone health! Find it here!
Great combo of vitamin D and vitamin K for bone health. Unflavored and contains olive oil for absorption. Find it here!
2 in 1! Combine omega-3’s with vitamin D for optimal absorption, brain health, and mood regulation. Find it here!
Higher dose of vitamin D with olive oil for optimal absorption an unflavored. Find it here!
What ISN’T magnesium helpful for? Magnesium has become a joke in my house. What’s wrong? “…” Take some magnesium!
when to supplement:
mood disorders (anxiety, depression, etc).
ADHD behaviors
poor sleep
muscle cramps
and more!
when to focus on food:
Magnesium is another nutrient that isn’t easily found in food. Food gets magnesium from the soil and much of our soil is depleted and isn’t giving our food enough magnesium.
supplement recommendations:
Magnesium has many different forms so these recommendations will be a bit different because you will want to use the form of magnesium that will address your main concern. Don’t get too caught up in this- some magnesium is better than no magnesium. Your will also want to be aware of the dose you are giving your child. Magnesium can have adverse effects in high doses like diarrhea and low blood pressure. You should ask your doctor or dietitian about supplementing above the daily recommended intake for your child’s age- especially if they take medications.
Offered in maple vanilla and unflavored. Best for brain health and mood regulation. Find it here!
Higher dose in a smaller volume! Contains B6 and is optimal for ADHD management. Find it here!
Offered in several flavors and unflavored. Great for constipation and as a catch all supplement. Find it here!
In my opinion, zinc is the MOST overlooked nutrient. Zinc has so many different functions in the body and connects a lot of your symptoms, yet, most people don’t know about it, are scared to take it, or are taking too much of it.
when to supplement:
prone to sickness
anxiety and other mood disorders
picky eating
prone to pressure ulcers or open scabs.
signs of systemic inflammation
weight management/insulin control
not growing taller
when to focus on food:
zinc is highest in meats and seafood, if your child likes these foods start here!
if your kiddo doesn’t have any of the above symptoms then they probably don’t need any additional zinc, but you still want to prioritize it in the diet.
severe constipation
supplement recommendations:
Zinc can be hard to find in “kid-sized” doses. At the pharmacy, it may be more difficult to find doses less than 50 mg, which is WAY TO HIGH for a daily dose for your child without being prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes, it’s easier to find the right dose in a multivitamin for immunity. Take zinc with food to avoid upset stomach. Stop taking zinc if constipation worsens. For individual zinc supplements look for a dose of 15 mg per serving then reduce it to meet your child’s DRI. See NIH Fact Sheet.
Mary Ruth’s Zinc for Toddlers is one of the lowest dose zinc supplements you can find. Find it here!
Pure Encapsulations has an affordable, high quality, low dose zinc supplement. Find it here!
Low dose zinc with vitamin C. Great for pressure ulcers and open sores. Find it here!
Omega-3’s are a power house of inflammation fighting molecules! Most people in the U.S. are getting way too many inflammatory fats and not enough anti-inflammatory fats. This causes stress and inflammation all over the body that shows up in unpleasant ways.
when to supplement:
anxiety and other mood disorders
frequent meltdowns
brain development concerns
signs of inflammation
low intake of seafood
high intake of omega-6 fats (seed oils, vegetables oils, corn oils, etc.)
when to focus on food:
if you like fish!
no obvious concerns but you want to optimize your diet.
supplement recommendations:
Getting high quality fish or algae oil is crucial! The last thing you want is a supplement that has oxidized and will do more harm than good. Omega-3’s are also great to pair with vitamin D to optimize absorption! Again with the Nordic Naturals stan.
Gummies that are great for a kiddo who might struggle with an oil. Find it here!
More affordable lower dose per serving option. Good for kids that tolerate oils. Find it here!
Higher dose in a smaller serving for kids who struggle with tolerating supplements. Find it here!
Even though I’m happy to share my favorite supplements with you, please remember that these are medical treatments and often benefits aren’t seen without therapeutic doses. Therapeutic doses are typically above what is generally considered safe for children and should be monitored by your healthcare team. If you are needing a provider to help guide you and get you started or you aren’t sure if nutrition would really benefit your child, you are welcome to schedule a free assessment with me to point you in the right direction!